The Maurice Goldstein Cup Final will be played on the Birmingham League presentation evening, Tuesday 7th May 2019 at 7:30…
Congratulations to Craig Allen at the Michael Hawkesworth (BPTT) National Championships winning Bronze in Class 9 singles. In the Open…
Bat & Chat means it’s good to talk and play for inspiring Rod
We are in the process of cobbling together a new website and migrating the important bits from the old site.…
Saturday 11th May 2019. Entries close at 18:00 on Wednesday 8th May 2019. About the Tournament Online Entry Directions to…
Worcs veterans power to place in top division
Nutland lives up to No.1 billing in cup qualifier
Congratulations to Colebridge G , B’ham Division Two champions : Omar Zaman, Riz Akbar , Henry Belcher and Nigel Griffiths.…
A birthday to remember for evergreen Browne…
Congratulations to Colebridges Leamington Aces , who have made the Division One title a mathematical certainty with one match remaining.…