Colebridge Table Tennis Club have delivered two TT Kidz programmes, as part of Table Tennis England National delivery.
The first programme took place between October – December 2021, delivered by Kate Hughes and Sophie Rinnhofer. Our youngest participant was 5 years of age!
The success of the programme led to the introduction of the TT Kidz Awards, which is a transition between TT Kidz and Junior Table Tennis. The first cohort of TT Kidz players are currently working towards achieving Stage 2.

The second phase of delivery took place at Colebridge between February and March 2022, with an increased number of participants. Kate, Ian Scott, and Ian Ferguson were all involved in delivering the programme.
The programme is a great way for all children to learn new skills in table tennis, in addition to the importance of team work, get fit, having fun and making new friends.

The players learning how to play and score games.

Colebridge are look forward to delivering the initial programme once again next season commencing in October 2022.