On Friday 23rd August 2013, ten Warwickshire Cadet Girls came to Colebridge Table Tennis Club for some pre-season training, organised and ran by Warwickshire Cadet Team captain Kate Hughes.
The four and a half hour session involved a series of regular and irregular exercises, as well as some service and return drills, point construction and match play.
Prior to the lunch break, the players also took part in a 20 minute fitness circuit to focus upon the importance of physical conditioning in table tennis.
The girls in attendance ranged from 9-13 year olds from various clubs across Warwickshire. There was a positive atmosphere at the club, with all the girls training hard to improve their consistency in preparation for the fast approaching start of the season, and in particular their forthcoming County Trials . Warwickshire junior and Colebridge member Sam Henderson kindly supported the training session.
At the end of the session, each of the girls were given a Pink Pong water bottle, to promote both the crucial importance of hydration in sport, as well as supporting the excellent work Pink Pong does in raising awareness to fight the on-going battle against cancer.
The ten players who attended were Eve Briscoe, Milly Bradshaw, Olivia Fletcher, Milly Green, Emma Kilpatrick, Lisa Rinnhofer, Sophie Rinnhofer, Jenny Singleton, Katie Singleton, and Alice Todd.
Well done to all the players for their hard work and effort.